There are two types of investors, natural persons and companies. You can find both on CityFALCON.
The fastest way to find an investor is through the search bar on the homepage or in the header of most CityFALCON pages. Simply type in your name and look for the Investors header:
Especially when looking for companies that are investors, make sure to look under the Investor heading (red arrow below), as companies (grey arrow) may have two pages, one for their own news, capital structure, and sectors, and one for their investments.
Once you've found your investor, you can view their investments and related data on a simple page. If we have dedicated pages for their investment companies, you can also drill down into that company.
The file symbol next to a datapoint will show you the original filing from where this data is derived. You can also share the list or create a watchlist for all of the investment companies.